3.25.10 Fuels and lubricants. When specified (see 6.2), the winterized class 4, size 15-cfm
compressor shall be serviced prior to shipment with military lubricants and greases as specified
in table II:
TABLE II. Service products.
Gasoline, auto, combat, 91 octane
Type II
F 46
Lubricating oil, internal combustion
O 183
engine, arctic
Aircraft and instrument
G 354
Automotive and artillery
G 403
3.26 Gasoline engine. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), the engine shall be Government
furnished. When contractor furnished commercial engines are used, they shall have a cast iron
cylinder and stellite exhaust valves and seats.
3.26.1 Government-furnished engine. A Government-furnished military design engine will
be provided for the 5-cfm, and 15-cfm compressors (see 3.17). The contractor shall install the
engine in accordance with MIL-STD-1226 for the 1-1/2-bhp military design engine and
MIL-STD-1300 for the 6-bhp military design engine. When a multiple V-belt drive is used, the
engine power takeoff shall be mounted as specified in MIL-STD-1226 or MIL-STD-1300, as
applicable. Power and speed. The size 5-cfm compressor shall require not more than 1.5 hp
when delivering 5-cfm, 175 psig air at an engine speed of 3600 rpm. The 15-cfm compressor
shall require not more than 6 hp when delivering 15-cfm, 175 psig air at an engine speed of
3600 rpm.
3.26.2 Commercial engine. For the purpose of selecting the engine, the compressor shall be
classified as a class II end item in accordance with MIL-STD-1410. The engine, including all
systems, components, and accessories, shall conform to MIL-STD-1410, except as otherwise
specified herein. The engine shall be 4-cycle and air cooled. The engine shall be furnished as a
complete, self-contained, power package including hand throttle control, fail-safe governor,
manual starting system and engine stop switch. If automatic rewind manual starter is used, it
shall have in addition, a pulley for manual type starter to be used in event of failure of the
automatic rewind. If an electric starter is used, it shall have a provision for manual rope starting.
The engine shall be capable of operating under all condition specified herein using fuels and
lubricants specified herein and in MIL-STD-1410, or the engine manufacturer's recommended
operating limits.
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