nature or are so located as to be a hazard to operating personnel,
shall be guarded or insulated to the extent necessary to eliminate
Protective devices shall not impair the operating
the hazard.
The compressors shall conform to the applicable
requirements of ANSI B19.1a.
The compressor shall conform to
3.7.2 Hu man factors engineering.
accepted human factors engineering design criteria as described in
Special control/display integration (5.1), visual
displays (5.2), controls (5.4), labeling (5.5), design for
maintainability (5.9), and hazards and safety (5.13) of
MIL-STD-1472 , as applicable.
3.7.3 Noise lim its.
When tested in accordance with, the
noise level at the operator's position and occasionally occupied
positions shall not exceed Category D of MIL-STD-1474. The
operator's position shall be defined to be 18 inches from the
occasionally occupied areas of the set shall be
control panel.
defined to be anywhere within 1 meter from the perimeter of the set
Noise hazard
at locations other than the operator's position.
caution signs shall be provided in accordance with MIL-STD-1474,
4.2, when applicable (see 6.15) , except the sign shall state
The sign shall
For the purpose
be readable at the distance indicated on the sign.
of the noise measurement, the operator position is defined as
1.5 feet from the compressor.
Endurance and maintainability.
3.8.1 Endurance.
The compressor shall produce rated capacity at
rated pressure for 500 hours in operating periods of not less than
8 hours.
Operating periods of not less than 4 hours during high and
low temperature tests may be counted (see,,
The compressor shall operate as specified
3.8.2 Maintainability.
herein without repair or maintenance other than the contractor
recommended normal schedule adjustments and servicing, as
established by a maintenance schedule prepared and submitted by the
contractor prior to test. All major assemblies and installed
attachments shall be accessible for maintenance repair and
replacement without removal of other major assemblies and installed
Design for maintainability shall
attachments not normally removed.
comply with 3.7.2.
Cover plates which must be removed for component
adjustment shall be equipped with quick-disconnect fastenings.
Cover plated shall be labeled with nomenclature for items accessible
through them in accordance with MIL-STD-1472, (see 3.7.2).
All fasteners shall be of corrosion-resistance material or shall be
tested to be corrosion resistant.
All screw threads shall be in
accordance with FED-STD-H28. Maximum use shall be made of
Means for drainage
interchangeable hardware and fastening devices.
of lubricants, fuel, and condensate traps shall be in an accessible
location and shall drain without splashing on any component or on
operating personnel.
The drain outlets shall be so located to
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