Each compressor shall be equipped with instruction
plates or diagrams, including warnings and cautions, describing any special or
important procedures to be followed in assembling, operating or servicing the
compressor . I n s t r u c t i o n p l a t e s s h a l l c o n f o r m t o M I L - P - 5 1 4 , t y p e I I I , c o m p o s i t i o n
c, of type I, grade A, class 1 material. Plates shall be attached by screws,
b o l t s , or rivets in a conspicuous, protected location,
3.14 Treatment and painting. The compressor, components, and parts painted in
commercial practice shall be cleaned, created, and painted in accordance with
MIL-T-704, t y p e F or G, a s a p p l i c a b l e . U n l e s s o t h e r w i s e s p e c i f i e d ( s e e 6 . 2 ) , t o p
c o a t color shall be camouflage green 383 conforming to MIL-C-46168 or MIL-C-53039.
Type I
3,15.1 Compressor. The type I compressor shall deliver the capacities of free
air (see 6.5) specified in table I at a pressure of 175 pounds per square inch
g a g e ( p s i g ) , a s determined by the ASME Performance Test Code 9.
T h e components of
the compressor shall be balanced so that when the compressor is operated in
c o n j u n c t i o n w i t h t h e e l e c t r i c m o t o r , v i b r a t i o n s h a l l b e m i n i m i z e d . T h e compressor
shall produce rated capacity at rated pressure for 500 hours in operating periods
of not less than 4 hours. Operating periods of not less than 4 hours (see
4 . 6 . 2 . 4 ) , during high and low temperature tests may be counted (see and
T h e compressor shall nor exceed the contractor's recommended continuous
operating speed. The compressor shall be air cooled. The cylinder heads or
c y l i n d e r a s s e m b l y ( i f c a s t i n t e g r a l l y ) s h a l l b e r e m o v a b l e . T h e intake and exhaust
valves shall be removable. A fan shall be provided for cooling.
Compressor characteristics.
furnished, an intercooler shall cool the air between the pressure stages and shall
be located so as to be cooled by the airblast from the fan. A spring-loaded-type,
pressure-relief valve shall be installed between the pressure stages to protect
the low-pressure cylinder in case of failure of the high-pressure cylinder valves.
The temperature measured at the discharge of the air receiver shall not exceed
a m b i e n t plus 100 0 F a t a p r e s s u r e o f 2 0 0 p s i g .
If necessary to meet the
temperature requirements specified herein, an aftercooler may be provided between
the last stage of the compressor and the air receiver tank. Aftercooler shall be
air cooled.
3.15.3 Pressure tubing and fitting.
All pressure tubing and fittings shall be
rated to withstand 1-1/2 times their normal working pressure.
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